Thursday 17 July 2014

It feels good to know that Hong Leong Yamaha Malaysia (HLYM) still producing this legendary 2-stroke bike from their factory for all Malaysian riders to get a taste of it. As far as I know, Malaysia is the only country in the world that still have this 125ZR on sale in new condition. I would like to thanks HLYM for their effort to continue selling this bike. Previously, we have heard rumors that it is going to be stopped in production after the news about the Yamaha RX-Z has been stopped in production last year. Well, that rumors is NOT true, it still on sale up to this day.

One of the most radical changes that has been done to this bike is the body-coloured wheel. It means that the wheel have the same colour with the body, that is the Yamaha Racing Blue colour. This suits it well since the name of it is GP Edition. Also, this might means that this bike is in limited unit production. It can disappears as soon as in 2 month only as what we have seen in the previous limited edition Yamaha 135LC ES GP Edition.

You might ask, what is the differences with the normal Y125ZR in the red and black colour? Actually, nothing have changed in terms of engine setup or chassis setup. It is primarily about the cosmetic changes. I think it is a good time to update the livery of this Y125ZR since it hasn’t been updated for more than 3 years. The last livery update is in 2009.

It still comes with 2-piston caliper for both front and rear brakes. The front brake is equipped with 297mm disc plate and the rear with 190mm disc plate. Good enough for this lightweight rocket to be stopped in hurry.

Front face are shown with the clear lens headlight and signal lamp. Maybe you need to mod this to become smoky a bit. It stills looks great though in this clear type lens. The taillight also in clear type lens cover.
The price of Yamaha 125ZR GP Edition is RM7500 – 7900 OTR with 1st-party all rider insurance.

Berita terkini CDM25 isu wanita pemilik kereta Peugeot 208 mengamuk. Nombor plat pendaftaran CDM25 kini menjadi trending dilaman sosial berikutan tindakan wanita berkenaan yang memaki hamun seorang warga emas hanya kerana kereta jenama Peugeot miliknya dilanggar. Insiden itu dipercayai berlaku pada 14 Julai 2014 di tempat Parkir UTC Kuantan dan rakaman insiden tersebut tersebar dilaman sosial pada 15 Julai 2014. Identiti wanita berkenaan telah dikenalpasti sebagai Kiki Kamaruddin dan merupakan pemilik perniagaan kerja kahwin SDN BHD.

Sumber: Berita Terkini CDM25 Isu Wanita Kereta Peugeot Mengamuk | 

Identiti Pemilik Kereta CDM25 Peugeot 208
Nama Penuh: Siti Fairrah Asyikin bt Kamaruddin
Nama Samaran: Kiki
Nama Akaun Facebook: Kiki Kerja Kahwin
Pekerjaan: Pengasas perniagaan Kerja Kahwin SDN BHD
Akaun Facebook: Telah ditutup
Nombor Plat Kereta: CDM25
Gambar Wajah Pemilik Peugeot 208 No Plat CDM25
Kronologi Kes Isu Wanita Kereta Peugeot Mengamuk
14 Julai 2014: Warga emas berusia 68 tahun dikenali sebagai Sim Siak Hong telah menjadi mangsa maki hamun pemilik kereta Peugeot 208 akibat terlanggar kereta berkenaan di parkir Pusat Transformasi Bandar (UTC), Kuantan.
15 Julai 2014: Rakaman video insiden tersebut tersebar dan menjadi perbualan hangat dilaman sosial. Jutaan rakyat Malaysia telah melempak kata kesat terhadap tindakan wanita terbabit.
16 Julai 2014: Identiti wanita berkenaan telah dikenalpasti sebagai Kiki dengan nombor pendaftaran kereta CDM25. Kiki menerusi laman sosial telah memohon maaf secara terbuka. Begitu juga dengan mangsa iaitu seorang warga emas menyatakan bahawa dia tidak akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadapnya malah bersedia memaafkan wanita itu. Walaubagaimanapun Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar memberitahu bahawa polis akan mengambil tindakan terhadap Kiki.

Sumber: Berita Terkini CDM25 Isu Wanita Kereta Peugeot Mengamuk | 

sedang kita semua gembira menyambut bulan yang mulia iaitu bulan ramadhan, terdapat sedara seagama kita dianiaya oleh rejim kejam dunia iaitu israel, gaza kini diberdil, kanak-kanak, remaja, dan rakyat yang tidak berdosa telah dibunuh dengan kejam tanpa sebab. Oleh sedemikian sama sama lah berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar mereka (sedara seagama) sentiasa dibantu dan dirahmati Allah. (bersabarlah rakan-rakanku pintu syurga pasti akan terbuka luas untukmu ingatlah Allah sentiasa disisi kamu semua) 
arai gauloises Ram III

helmet is the important equipment for every riders during riding a motorcycle, but some rider have spent their money to buy the exclusive and rare helmet. It is very interesting hobby because the helmet is very expensive and it just be the new trendings now days, below is the list price of rarely helmet in malaysia:
Update the latest price for ARAI (Ringgit Malaysia)

--- ARAI RAMIII (Secondhand) ---
Arai RAMIII Gauloises Biru - RM8000
Arai RAMIII Okada Merah –RM6500
Arai RAMIII Okada Biru – RM5000
Arai RAMIII Okada Putih – RM3200
Arai RAMIII Taira Biru Limited - unknown estimate around RM6000 - RM8000
Arai RAMIII Taira Kuning - unknown estimate around RM5000
Arai RAMIII Taira Merah – RM2600
Arai RAMIII Kodo – RM7000
Arai RAMIII Nakano – RM6500
Arai RAMIII GO GO - Unknown
Arai RAMIII Ikan Koi Putih Miglia - RM4200
Arai RAMIII Ikan Koi Hitam & Putih Biasa - RM2800
Arai RAMIII Riptide All Colour - RM1350 (NOS - RM2400)
Arai RAMIII Stella All Colour - RM1150 (NOS - RM1700)
Arai RAMIII Crank All Colour - RM1100
Arai RAMIII Malibu Blue - RM1900
Arai RAMIII Nankai All Colour except Yellow & Red - RM1400
Arai RAMIII Nankai Red – RM1700
Arai RAMIII Nankai Yellow – RM1900
Arai RAMIII Speedking All Colour - RM2500
Arai RAMIII Speedking Kuning & Biru - RM3500
Arai RAMIII Aoyama – RM2000
Arai RAMIII Spencer - RM2200
Arai RAMIII Schwantz - RM2200
Arai RAMIII Flat Blue - RM2500
Arai RAMIII Stout 23 - RM2350
Arai RAMIII Streetline 56 – RM2600
Arai RAMIII Intercolor - unknown
Arai RAMIII Carlhg Mamola – unknown
Arai RAMIII KTM Duke – unknown

--- ARAI RAMIV (Secondhand) ---

Arai RAMIV Flat Blue - RM1700
Arai RAMIV Haga Monza - RM1700
Arai RAMIV Hayden Star – RM1850 secondhand – RM1600
Arai RAMIV Russell – RM1900 (NEW) secondhand – RM1750
Arai RAMIV Doohan - RM1800 (NEW) secondhand - RM1600
Arai RAMIV Yellow and Red - RM1700 (NEW) secondhand – RM1350
Arai RAMIV White and Black - RM1600 (NEW) secondhand – RM1150
Arai RAMIV Silver and Grey - RM1600 (NEW) secondhand – RM1250

Update the latest price for SHOEI (Ringgit Malaysia)

--- Shoei J-FORCE II (Secondhand) ---
J-Force II Hitam - RM2050
J-Force II Silver – RM2450
J-Force II Grey – RM2550
J-Force II Putih – RM2100
J-Force II Putih Mutiara - RM2200
J-Force II Maroon - RM3500
J-Force II Biru - RM3700
J-Force II Kuning - RM4300
J-Force II Oren – RM8000 (NOS) secondhand RM5000
J-Force II Jack Hitam – RM4900
J-Force II Jack Silver – RM6000
J-Force II Jack Biru – RM7000
J-Force II Jack Grey - Unknown estimate around RM22000 – 4-5 biji --
J-Force II Jack Putih – Unknown estimate around RM17000 – 4-5 biji --
J-Force II Jack Merah - estimate around RM40000 – 3-4 biji --
J-Force II Jack Kuning - estimate around RM26000 – 4-5 biji --
J-Force II Kenny Robert – RM6500
J-Force II Factory Kuning – RM7500
J-Force II Factory Biru – RM11000
J-Force II Factory Merah - RM7000
J-Force II Factory Silver – RM6000
J-Force II Factory Grey – RM8600
J-Force II Team Yamaha Racing (TYR) Biru – RM12000
J-Force II Team Yamaha Racing (TYR) Merah – RM10500
J-Force II Team Yamaha Racing (TYR) Merah (NOS) - RM13000 
J-Force II Team Honda Hitam - RM2000
J-Force II Team Honda Putih - RM2100

--- Shoei J-Stream (Secondhand) ---
J-Stream Yamaha Biru - RM4500
J-Stream Yamaha Merah – RM4000
J-Stream Yamaha Silver - RM3200
J-Stream Polaris Merah - RM3000
J-Stream Polaris Biru - RM3000
J-Stream Polaris Kuning – RM5000
J-Stream Polaris Grey - unknown estimate RM5000 - RM10,000 
J-Stream Polaris Hitam – RM2450
J-Stream Polaris Putih – RM2500
J-Stream Honda Merah - RM2000
J-Stream Honda Silver - RM2000
J-Stream Amo Hitam - RM1550
J-Stream Amo Putih - RM1600
J-Stream Couture - RM1600

--- Shoei J-Force III (Secondhand) ---
J-Force III Hitam dan Putih - RM1200
J-Force III Grey dan Silver - RM1250
J-Force III Biru – RM1500
J-Force III Maroon - RM1300
J-Force III Surge - RM1500
J-Force III Brave - RM1550
J-Force III Blitzer - RM1550
J-Force III Honda Merah – RM2000
J-Force III Honda Putih – RM1750
J-Force III Lubla - RM1450
J-Force III Ring - RM1450
J-Force III Gold - Unknown estimate RM15,000 - RM20,000

--- Shoei J-Cruise  ---
J-Cruise Plain – RM1600 (NEW)
J-Cruise Zulfahmi 63 – RM1588 (launched) – now RM4000 , RM6,000 , RM11,000 . 




Monday 7 July 2014

harini masuk hari ke-9 umat islam berpuasa haha and now tinggal 21 hari lagi semoga kita dapat keredhaan dan kemuliaan dalam bulan mulia ini, semoga di kurniakan malam lailatulqadar kepada kita semua insyaa allah. HAPPY FASTING BRO BRO HAHA.

"saya boleh membunuh semua yahudi ketika saya berkuasa, saya tinggalkan sedikit supaya anda kenal siapa mereka dan cari jawapan mengapa saya bunuh mereka"
my favourite rugby's player

his name is danial carter. he played rugby since he childhood.

he is my fav player because he is very talented and many skill in playing rugby, he plays as a scrumhalf in all black team.

wassup! haha my name is Mohamad Faiz Bin Juhari. I leave in Kajang :)

 i love rugby

this is my hobby and i have done my every evening for practice and training hard for RUGBY !